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Yogyakarta - places of interest


Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace

The palace court with its grand and elegant Javanese architecture lies in the centre of the city. It was founded Prince Mangkubumi in 1755. The Prince was then called Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I. He chose the right location of the compound between the Winongo River and the Code River.
The palace streches out from north to south.
The front yard is called Alun-alun Utara (the North Square), and the back yard is called Alun-alun Selatan (the South Square).
The lay out of the buildings shows that the Palace, the commemorative column and Mount Merapi lie in on line.
The palace meeting hall is called the Pagelaran, where formal meetings of palace officials are held, while the "Manguntur Tangkil" hall is the place where the Sultan is seated.
The palace visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of the kraton in formertimes by visiting the lifesize diorama of wedding ceremonies on the palace meeting, performed by puppets which are intentionally arranged to create such an atmosphere. Sets of javanese musical instruments, antiques and heirlooms have made the palace of Yogyakarta.

Water Castle

Built in 1758 by Sultan Hamengku Buwono I just West of the kraton, part of this pleasure garden and castle is at present no more than an intriguing collection of ruins, pools, arches and underground passages enclosed by massive walls, however, the central courtyard with the nymph-baths has been restored.
The water Castle is located in the older part of the city within walking distance from the Bird Market. A number of batik work shops line the avenue leading to the pleasure garden's entrance.


Imogiri is the official cemetery of the royal descendants from Yogyakarta and Surakarta. The royal graveyard is located on a hilltop, reachable by 345 stone steps leading to it.
Imogiri is about 17 kms southeast of Yogyakarta and easily accessible by the bus or car. The tombs are built within three main courtyards.
Entry into the smaller courtyards housing the tombs of the princes is allowed, but only on Monday 09.00 - 12.00 and Friday 13.00- 16.00 traditional Javanese dress has to be worn, which however can be hired on the spot at a modest fee. The cemetery is closed during the Moslem month of Ramadhan.

Prambanan Temple

This magnificent Shivaite temple derives it name from the village where it is located. Locally known as the LoroJongrang Temple, or the Temple of the "Slender Virgin", it is the biggest and most beautiful Hindu temple in Indonesia.
Seventeen kilometres east of Yogyakarta, it is believed to have been built by King Balitung Maha Sambu in the middle of the ninth century. Its parapets are adorned with a bas-relief depicting the famous Ramayana story.
The first open-air theatre on the southern side of the temple was build in 1960 and the new theatre on the western side of the temple was built in 1988. During full moon evenings in the mounths from May to October, the Ramayana ballet is performed here. The temple complex of Prambanan lies among green fields and villages. It has eight shrines, of which the three main ones are dedicated to Shiva, Visnhu and Brahma.
The main temple of Shiva rises to a height of 130 feet and houses the magnificant statue of Shiva's consort, Durga.

Kalasan Temple

This unique Buddhist temple is located some 16 km. east of Yogyakarta, on the south side of the main road between Yogyakarta and Solo. It was built in honor of the marriage between king Pancapana of the Sanjaya Dynasty and a Princess of the Cailendra Dynasty, named Dyah Pramudya Wardhani. It is beautifully ornamented with finely carved reliefs and coated with "vajralepa", a yellowish material made from the sap of a certain tree. The vajralepa functioned as an adhesive and as protection against moss and mildew, while at the same time it refined the carvings. This temple is 24 m. high and its base built in the form of a Greek Cross.

Sari Temple

This Buddhist temple is located about 600 m. northeast of the Kalasan temple on the north side of the main road between Yogyakarta and Solo. It is a slender and beautiful temple consisting of two floors. The upper floor was used to keep the religious relics. This temple was formerly a Buddhist sanctuary (Vihara) where the Buddhist priests used to live, meditate and teach their followers. The wall of the temple was also protected with vajralepa.

The struggle for Independence Museum

This museum is located on Jalan Colonel Sugiyono. It is a cylindrical building, uniquely roofed in the shape of a crown, with its outer walls depicting in reliefs the history of the struggle for independence before and after the Declaration of Independence on August 17, 1945. The collection consists of historical articles during the time of the revolution for independence.

Yogya Kembali Monument

At Yogyakarta's northern ringroad is the Monument Yogya Kembali established to commemorate the refunctioning of Yogyakarta as the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, July 6, 1949. The 31 meters high monument symbolizing a mountain of heaven lies on an axis running from the Sultan's Palace, to the north through the Tugu Yogya Kembali monument to the Merapi mountain top.
The monument has three floors. The first floor holds a museum, a library, an auditorium and cafetaria. On the second floor are 10 dioramas depicting the high lights of Yogyakarta's struggle to recapture its capital from the occupation of the Dutch Armed Forces (December, 1948 -July, 1949).
On the balustrade are 40 reliefs depicting the history of the Indonesian people's struggle for independence starting from the Proclamation of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August,19,1945 until the internationally recognition of the newborn Republic on December 27, 1949.

Museum Sonobudoyo

This museum, founded in November 1935 and designed by the Dutch architect Kersten, is built in traditional Javanese architecture. It exhibits weapons, leather and wooden puppets of wayang theatre, masks, statues, textiles, curios and old Javanese gamelan instruments.
The museum is situated on the northern side of the city's main square in front of the Sultan's Palace. Open everyday except Mondays.


Kotagede, about five kilometres southeast of Yogyakarta, is a neat little town which was once the seat of the mighty Mataram empire.
In this old placed town with its walled-in houses, the graves of the first rulers of Mataram are still to be found. Since the 1930s, however, Kotagede has become famous for being the centre of the Yogya silverwork industry. Kotagede is easily reached by "among", the four wheeled horse drawn cart, by taxi, bus, or car.
There are a number of workshops where visitors are welcome to watch silver being transformed into beautiful works of art known as "Yogya Silver".

Affandi Museum

On the main road between the airport and the city stands the Affandi Museum (1907 - 1990) in a lush garden next to his peculiar stilted private home. He was Indonesia's foremost impressionist painter who built a private museum for his own paintings and of those of his daughter Kartika.
Affandi's grave (died in May 1990) lies in the back yard next to the museum.


Southwest of Yogyakarta lies the village of Kasongan, known for its artistic pottery and earthenware. Guidance from contemporary Indonesian artists has turned Kasongan earthenware into works of art which can be bought inexpensively at art shops all over Java.

Batik Research Centre

Situated on the eastern outskirts of the city, it has an interesting permanent exhibition of batiks in classic and modern designs The process of batik can also be seen here, both the hand drawn and hand stamped.

Parang Tritis Beach

A seaside resort 27 kms south of Yogyakarta on the Indian Ocean According to Javanese mythology, the Goddess of the South Sea, Nyai Roro Kidul or Ratu Kidul, was married to Panembahan Senopati who founded the Mataram Kingdom.Since that time, every year the sultans of Yogyakarta have made special offerings to her in a beachside ceremony called "Labuhan".


This resort on the slopes of Mt. Merapi, 24 km north of Yogyakarto is surrounded by an enchanting countryside. The "Telogo Muncar" waterfall and swimming pool make this resort a very pleasant recreation place. Bungalows are available for rent.


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